

Abidjan-Côte d'Ivoire


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Publié le :
11 jui 2024
job description

·       Achievecompany objectives and the country PNL.

·       Businessdevelopment : build business cases for new businesses.

·       Leadscountries operations and people

·       Correspondwith and sustain a close relationship with relevant government bodies as wellas other relevant organizations, association and societies.

·       Establishand sustain close relationship with relevant regional roles namely , marketing,finance, HR, GxP functions, supply chain and business development

·       Workwith the HR department to ensure the implementation & enhancement ofpolicies & procedures to support the growth, development & well-beingof our employees in the region.

·       CoordinateManagement, marketing and medical activities and ensure compliance with allapplicable legislative, regulatory, internal requirements.

·       Distributorsmanagement: Manage and sustain close contact with distributors ensuring;consistent stock level, timely product ordering, smooth supply chain, evenproduct distribution and goods account receivables.

·       Supportthe financial controller to manage all areas of budget and ensure that allavailable resources and funds are allocated effectively to achieve objectives

·       Coordinateproducts registration.

·       Supportavailability of products in all countries for all partners by working closelywith Projects & Supply Chain Director

Job Minimum Requirements / Eligibility Criteria:

As a local Director

·       Stakeholder engagements;professional bodies, government departments, tax authorities, etc

·       Banking: correspondence with ourbanks, may be a local signatory

·       Regularly updating head office onthe operations in kenya-regular meetings with management

·       Business planning-anticipatingbusiness needs and communicating the same to management.

·       Act as an ambassador for theorganization in the country to internal and external parties.

Finance:support finance to prepare reports together with accountant, approving localsubsidiary accounting reports. Making payments to suppliers and recurrentexpenditures -by cheque or through online banking (payments are co-signed byfiduciary) and controlling all financial documentation: POF, Expenses Report,POP

How to apply?
Application deadline :
June 15, 2024

Please sendyour application to with the subject line : "CM_Kenya" , no later than June 15,2024.

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